Steger Intermediate Center

Steger, Illinois


DLA Architects, Ltd.


Steger School District 194


55,773 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team:
Dwain A. Lutzow, AIA (Principal-in-Charge); Edward L. Wright, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (Project Manager); Matthew Ryan Lowe, LEED AP BD + C (Director of Design); Pease/Borst Associates, LLC (Structural Engineering Services); Berg Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (MEP/FP Engineering Services); Alpha Design, Inc. (Kitchen Consultant); W-T Engineering, Inc. (Civil Engineering Services)

It all started with a question: If the district were to invest in renovations, what would have the greatest impact on learning?
DLA Architects led an extensive exploration of the process of teaching and learning within the district. They discovered that facilities didn’t align with educational delivery goals. The process created a dialog among the school board, the administrative team, and teachers. It sparked the district to change to a grade center model. As they distilled their vision, it began to shape the actual form of the facilities.
A once traditional elementary school is now a vibrant, new intermediate center. To meet the goal of providing a calming, de-escalating environment, the concept of biomimicry was an influence. The imitation of nature is evident throughout the interior design. Bright, colorful spaces meet the emotional and physiological needs of each student.
Active learning is encouraged throughout. Classroom furniture is easy to rearrange and supports project-based learning. Small group breakout spaces enable students to focus more on their work. In the corridor are open spaces where the clustered classrooms engage as a large group.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2017 Architectural Portfolio



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