Star Valley High School
Afton, Wyoming
The educational program features education specifications and faculty programs completed by the architect prior to commencing the design. The design solution responds to the unusual scheduling needs of the facility, resolves many of the owner’s curriculum problems and facilitates curriculum changes, while responding to specific programming goals.
The curriculum in this small, rural community requires multiple teachers to teach multiple classes. To that end, the school is designed to accommodate multiple topics using multiple subjects. For example, English, science, art, social studies and geography all are taught while studying the rain forest. Students learn about the effects the diminishing rain forests have on particular areas in geography; they study various wildlife and ecosystems in science; in English they write reports about their findings; and in art they create paintings or sculptures reflecting the subject.
The media center is the heart of the school and is situated in the center of the academic classroom areas. The auditorium, cafeteria and gymnasium all are separate and acoustically designed for interior sound and exterior penetrations.
Future growth is built-in; class size can fluctuate by 20 percent and not affect core facilities.
Photographer: ©Scot Zimmerman Photography
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1999 Educational Interiors
Interior category
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