St. Xavier University, Agatha O’Brien Hall

Orland Park, Illinois


Solomon Cordwell Buenz & Associates


St. Xavier University


36,664 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Agatha O’Brien residence hall at St. Xavier’s campus is the fourth phase of a campus master plan the architect has been working on with the university over 10 years. The 27-unit residence hall features apartment-style accommodations and was built to LEED gold standards. It is situated in the heart of campus and sits adjacent to Rubloff Hall, which was the first university building in Illinois to receive LEED gold certification.

The project was designed using both natural and mechanical ventilation; a 50-foot-high circular glass stair tower draws tempered air to assist in summer night pre-cooling and winter heating. O’Brien uses 100 percent “green-e” power from mixed renewable-energy products to offset carbon emissions from all electrical energy consumed in the residence. The roof features a solar reflection system; the rain garden filters roof-water runoff; and the indoor air quality in the student rooms is significantly above ASHRAE standards.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2009 Architectural Portfolio

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