Spring Valley Middle/High School

Spring Valley, Wisconsin


PMSI—Architects, Engineers and Construction Managers


Spring Valley School District


94,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This middle/high school replaces an aging facility that no longer met circular and technology needs. School administration, staff, students and community leaders held workshops to determine needs for the new facility. Major goals established included: a friendly and inviting facility; a layout that de-emphasized grade levels and stressed interactivity; integrated technology; a facility that would serve as resource for the entire community; and a need to reflect the local rural architectural flavor. Spring Valley had few building sites left within the village, so one was selected on the village edge.
The building revolves around a central core that features the main entrance, main office, library media center, skylighted atrium and commons space. The commons also serves as the school cafeteria. The core areas and adjacent public space can be open for community use while the rest of the building remains secure. Classrooms are arranged academically rather than by education level to promote interactivity and a sense of community among students.
The building sits atop a bluff overlooking the village. The prairie-style architecture reflects the surrounding rolling hills, prairie grasses and fields. The split-faced concrete masonry exterior complements the surrounding bluffs and geological formations, while the red shingled roof picks up the colors of the surrounding agricultural structures.

Photographers: ©T-Bo Studio and ©Jerry Swanson Location Photography

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Cost per Sq Ft


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