Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, School of Engineering

Edwardsville, Illinois


FGM Architects Inc.


State of Illinois Capital Development Bond


128,673 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The new School of Engineering is the first building of the new millennium for the 2,600-acre Edwardsville campus.
The building was designed to achieve three main goals: to gather the program, which was scattered throughout various buildings around the campus; to create a cutting-edge research facility; and to create an expandable, adaptable structure that serves as a learning laboratory that displays the integration of architecture and engineering.
The facility houses an array of engineering labs including a wind tunnel, concrete design and testing lab, an advanced robotics lab, computer-integrated manufacturing equipment lab, virtual-reality lab, specialized research labs, and a 100-seat integrated technology auditorium. From the atrium of the building, elevated walkways connect the east and west wings of the second and third floors. Each classroom is computer networked, and several computer labs allow students to connect to their research.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2001 Architectural Portfolio

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