South Hackensack Memorial Elementary School
South Hackensack, New Jersey
The addition to South Hackensack Memorial Elementary School approximately doubles the size of the school, which was built in the 1950s with an addition completed in 1964. It houses a gymnasium, cafeteria, media center and eight classrooms.
The addition complements and enhances the existing building. The main feature is the two-story entry atrium with a glass facade and clerestory windows that provide natural lighting. The gymnasium is accessed through the atrium, allowing it to be used for after-hours community functions.
The entire building will be air-conditioned. It is the first school in the state to use a direct gas-fired absorption chiller/heater. This technology is tremendously energy-efficient, resulting in heating and cooling costs 25 to 35 percent less than electronically driven chillers.
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2008 Architectural Portfolio