Sinking Springs Elementary School

Manchester Township, Pennsylvania


L. Robert Kimball & Associates-Architects & Engineers


Central York School District


88,860 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Sinking Springs Elementary School will serve the needs of students in grades 3 to 5. It forms a campus with the existing Roundtown Elementary School.
The school features a split-level, ramped design in response to site constraints. Skylights provide natural light to the ramps. The common-functions wing houses the administrative area, gymnasium, cafeteria, kitchen and general-purpose classrooms such as art and music. The stage is situated between the cafeteria and gymnasium and is accessible on both sides.
The brick and large-scale concrete masonry units complement the existing Roundtown Elementary School. The two classrooms wings and the administrative areas have varied interior color schemes to provide visual interest and a sense of individual identity to each house structure.
The building is designed with evening community use in mind. The facility is equipped with technology and a card-access security system.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Architectural Portfolio

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