Silver Creek High School

Longmont, Colorado


H+L Architecture


St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J


179,166 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Set in the Front Range prairie landscape of Colorado, Silver Creek High School is designed to recall the past while embracing the challenges of the future. A collection of masonry and glass structures, the 180,000-square-foot, two-story facility accommodates 1,200 students in four general instruction clusters and a fifth advanced-learning cluster.
The school was modeled to convey the charm of the agricultural villages of the region: the community plaza as a dynamic gathering place for students and public. Classroom houses, a main entry tower, administration, library rotunda and circulation crescent all create the identity of an educational village.
A crescent-shaped corridor links the village; high, clerestory natural light filters through an exposed structural network. Images of the city’s rich history appear in regular procession along the floor of the crescent in sandblasted panels of buckskin-colored stained concrete. Banded concrete block masonry suggests the prairie horizon in a layering of dusty-red and buff-colored tones throughout.
The interior design supports the school’s programmatic layout. The structure and mechanical systems are exposed for student understanding and visual interest. The interplay of light and color contribute to an effective and exciting learning environment.

“Spacious foyer—nice stonework. Curved format of hall is appealing.” 2002 Jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Silver Citation

Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors;2002 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Common Areas

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