Shelby County Public Schools, Shelby Athletic Complex
Shelbyville, Kentucky
The Shelby County Athletic Complex is situated in a district with high growth rates and provides expanded sporting facilities for five elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school.
Three regulation-size, fully lighted playing fields allow sanctioned sporting events in baseball, softball and soccer for the entire school district, and accommodate community use when school is not in session. The five support buildings, constructed of concrete masonry—slab on grade—provide locker rooms for male and female home and visiting teams with individual showers, toilets, drinking fountains, coaches offices and storage; a concession area with a fully operational kitchen; an enclosed practice/batting area; a press box; and associated dugouts and bleachers.
Certain design features were modified to make all buildings fully accessible, including handicapped-accessible restroom facilities. All buildings are interconnected with a public-address system, ensuring that fans and players can be reached with scores and announcements. The district anticipates that this facility will be used by the district and the community for many years to come.
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2004 Architectural Portfolio
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