Shallow Brook Intermediate School
Manchester, Pennsylvania
Shallow Brook Intermediate School is designed to meet Northeastern School District’s educational program and to accommodate 600 students with core facilities designed for a future expansion accommodating 725 students.
Sharing an existing district campus with an elementary and an intermediate school, the new intermediate school was sited with this and other campus features in mind. The building takes further design cues from the landscape and responds to several features, including an existing ridge. The ridge provided an organizational mechanism, ordering the building so that the classroom wing occupies one side of the ridge, and the primary building support and mechanical spaces occupy the other side.
Primary circulation through the building follows the spine of the ridge, and the classrooms are situated to take advantage of views of an adjacent woodland and stream. The northern terminus of the classroom wing is the semicircular media center whose ample glazing provides not only natural sunlight and views of the surrounding landscape, but also a visual connection to other district buildings found on the site.
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2008 Architectural Portfolio
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