Shallow Brook Intermediate School

Manchester, Pennsylvania


EI Associates, Architects & Engineers, PA


Northeastern School District


93,790 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Shallow Brook Intermediate School is designed to meet Northeastern School District’s educational program and to accommodate 600 students with core facilities designed for a future expansion accommodating 725 students.

Sharing an existing district campus with an elementary and an intermediate school, the new intermediate school was sited with this and other campus features in mind. The building takes further design cues from the landscape and responds to several features, including an existing ridge. The ridge provided an organizational mechanism, ordering the building so that the classroom wing occupies one side of the ridge, and the primary building support and mechanical spaces occupy the other side.

Primary circulation through the building follows the spine of the ridge, and the classrooms are situated to take advantage of views of an adjacent woodland and stream. The northern terminus of the classroom wing is the semicircular media center whose ample glazing provides not only natural sunlight and views of the surrounding landscape, but also a visual connection to other district buildings found on the site.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Other by Grace
Other by Imetco
Other by WR Meadow
Library/Media Center Furniture by Worden
Doors by VT Industries
HVAC Control Devices by Siemens Building Technologies
Movable Partitions/Walls by Modernfold
Door Hardware by LCN Closers
Door Hardware by Schlage
Door Hardware by Von Duprin
Bleachers/Grandstands by Hussey Seating
Emergency Lighting by Cooper Lighting
Carpet by Lees
Draperies/Blinds by Lutron
Lighting & Accessories by Cooper Lighting
Windows by Kawneer
Paint/Wallcoverings by ICI Paints
Cabinets by LSI Corp
HVAC Units by Trane
Skylights by Wasco
Signage by Bayuk Graphics Systems
Kitchen Equipment by Hobart
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Roofing by Carlisle SynTec
Roofing by Elk
Elevators by ThyssenKrupp Access
ADA/Compliance Equipment by National Wheel-O-Vator
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Siemens Building Technologies
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Viking Corp.
Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Communications Systems by SimplexGrinnell
Physical-Education Flooring by Dynamic Sports Flooring
Multipurpose Areas Furniture by Pittsburgh Stage
Insulation by Owens Corning
Lockers by Penco Products
Walls/Wall Materials by WR Meadow
Roofing by Imetco
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