Samuel Smith Early Childhood Learning Center

Burlington City, New Jersey


Massa Multimedia Architecture


City of Burlington Public Schools


17,609 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


It’s red, it’s white, it’s blue and it’s little-kid height. The center is designed and constructed with children in mind. It is colorful and inviting, and it has computers, cable connections and audiovisual equipment in every classroom. From the time the children approach the building’s exterior to the time the children enter the center, the circulation and flow of the space leads them to their respective classrooms.
The environment is enhanced further by the juxtaposition of the columns and large room numbers over wooden panels. The primary colors provided on the floor, doorframes and columns alternate down the main corridor.
Once in the classrooms, children quickly familiarize themselves with the classroom layout, including the play area, the reading area, the teacher area, the cubbies and the restroom area. Even certain window treatments were set at a height that allows the children to look out at the playground without using a chair.

“Nice blend of color and shapes. Very child-friendly.”—2003 jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2003 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Childcare Centers

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