Sam Houston State University, Bobby K. Marks Administration Building

Huntsville, Texas


Huitt-Zollars, Inc.


Sam Houston State University


30,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Administration Building opened in 1915 as The Science and Administration Building for what was then Sam Houston Normal Institute.
During the past 86 years, this Neo-Italian Renaissance building has been “remodeled” five times to meet the changing needs of the school. In 1996, the university sought to restore the building to its former grandeur. Included in the project was restoration of the exterior facades to reflect the original window and door configurations. Restoration of decaying terra-cotta features and brickwork also was included in the exterior work.
New mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire-suppression systems have been installed. Two new exit stairways were installed at opposite ends of the building. The new mechanical rooms were moved off the central building axis, as well as a new ADA-complaint elevator. This opened up the central portion of the building on all three floors to create a barrel-vaulted atrium.
Interior finishes include “Texas Shellstone” wainscoting, polished “Texas Red” granite window stools, thermal-cut granite flooring at the main entrance, bordered carpeted floors, mahogany doors and door trim. In the executive offices, walls have mahogany wainscoting and vinyl wall coverings above.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Dabhi Engineering Associates, Inc.

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2001 Architectural Portfolio



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