Salemburg Elementary School

Salemburg, North Carolina


Shuller Ferris Lindstrom & Associates


Sampson County Schools


73,210 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The teachers at Salemburg Elementary School requested a new facility that would help them teach in the way that children learn. It is important that students be motivated to analyze problems, formulate creative solutions and communicate ideas verbally and with a variety of media. The teachers felt this was best accomplished in an environment that provides for a variety of small and large groups, individual instruction and solitary exploration. The resulting building features: Academic clusters. The cluster concept facilitates a variety of instructional strategies and student-grouping methodologies. It also provides a learning environment characterized by flexibility, a sense of community, and a safe, well-supervised environment; Instructional spaces. The basic organizational unit is a cluster of general-purpose classrooms organized around a learning commons and resource rooms. Small group rooms are shared between classrooms; Shared spaces. These include special-education classrooms; media center; visual- and performing-arts classrooms; physical-education; administrative and guidance, and cafeteria. These areas are organized between academic clusters.

Photographer: ©3-D Design/Craig Lofgreen

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

1999 Educational Interiors


Work in Progress

Interior category


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