Royal Elementary School

Royal, North Carolina


Dove, Knight & Whitehurst, PA, Architects


Franklin County Board of Education


83,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The architect was challenged to design an educational facility on rolling farmland in Franklin County, N.C. The site is adjacent to large farms and country churches. The design team visualized a central theme around a media center with “finger” wings rotating from this center point.
The cafeteria and gymnasium can be isolated for other community activities during nights and weekends. Student activities have views of new and existing exterior planting, as well as a planted courtyard visible from the entry, office area and media center.
The entire HVAC system is designed with four-pipe heating and cooling capabilities. Some future expansion was anticipated in the final design as constructed.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2003 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

The ultimate tribute to education design excellence. If selected for publication, this distinctive...

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