Rose State College, Student Union

Midwest City, Oklahoma


Beck Design


Rose State College


48,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Beck Design, Rose State College President Jeanie Webb, administration, and staff collaborated to create a new Student Union as the entry portal to the campus. The facility was designed to engage students, community, and staff in a one-stop enrollment center that provides dining, student spaces, bookstore, and community spaces in one inviting location. This modern, light-filled building features a 48-foot atrium that surrounds a monumental open stair leading to the high-tech 400-seat conference center. The building also offers conference areas with an overall capacity of 50 people.

The 48-foot glass crown jewel of the campus focuses on students. Student activities are visible at all times of the day, making this center a lively community-based venue whether they are commuting or living on campus.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Phillips & Gomez (MEP Engineer); Walter P. Moore (Structural Engineer)

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2021 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Student Centers/Service Areas

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