Ronald E. McNair Middle School Replacement

Decatur, Georgia


CDH Partners, Inc.


DeKalb County School District


185,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As the first “future ready” school in DeKalb County, Ronald E. McNair Middle School will provide a unique experience for the students in this community. The new prototype integrates “21st-century learning” education spaces that enable themes of innovation and collaboration to permeate student learning environments.
The media center serves as the heart and hub of the school and promotes use of the space as an integral part of a student’s daily education. This center is composed of smaller production labs with glass garage-style doors that open onto a main circulation area. Through this open design, technology becomes readily accessible, and a more fluid style of teamwork is encouraged.
The mechanical systems and glazing were coordinated to enhance the main circulation area by sloping the ceiling toward an expansive view of the courtyard. The ceramic frit screening applied to the south-facing glass enhances sun control and increases energy efficiency. Other concepts incorporated into the design include increased amounts of glazing for more natural light and better visual control, as well as flexibility in rearrangeable multipurpose spaces.

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

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