Princeton City School District, Viking Village

Sharonville, Ohio


CR architecture + design


Princeton City School District


200,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


In 2008, Princeton desperately needed two new schools, but levy support was challenging amid the economic downturn. An aggressive plan was developed to secure community support and funding for an unprecedented project that emphasized the district’s need to completely change its approach to education and not just recreate what already existed.
Princeton’s new campus makes a bold statement. Speaking louder than the size and modern design, the entire campus focuses on student and community impact. Designed for the 22nd century, Princeton is prepared for education’s evolution in the coming years and ready to greet students of all ages. Guided by principles of engagement, adaptability and innovation, Viking Village serves as the focal point of campus, connecting the two schools with shared spaces designed to bring together the entire community.
By day, Viking Village is available to students; by night, it’s rented to various community groups. Community events create a sense of belonging—that Viking Village is for everyone. It also generates revenue, enabling the school to evolve to meet the needs of tomorrow’s students.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Turner Construction Company, Interior design firm: Fanning Howey

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Community Centers/Joint-Use Facilities

Product suppliers specified

Flooring by Johnsonite
Cafeteria Furniture by Falcon
Cafeteria Furniture by SitOnIt Seating
Classroom Furniture by Steelcase
Office Furniture by SitOnIt Seating
Flooring by Key Resin Co.
Physical-Education Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Cabinets by Wenger
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Ceramic Tile by American Olean
Ceramic Tile by Stone Peak
Doors by Security Metal Products
Doors by Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Windows by Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by SitOnIt Seating
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Wenger
Lounge Furniture by Arcadia
Lounge Furniture by Steelcase
Multipurpose Areas Furniture by SitOnIt Seating
Office Furniture by Jasper Seating
Office Furniture by Haskell
Acoustics/Sound Systems by Wenger
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