Powhatan Middle School
Powhatan, Virginia
Moseley Architects hosted a series of design workshops to solicit the ideas of teachers, librarians, administrators, students, parents, and other Powhatan Middle School staff members. As a result of this analysis and consensus-building, the core committee selected an option that proposed demolishing a major portion of the existing middle school, creating a major two-story infill addition, and renovating the existing gymnasium and career and technology education (CTE) wing.
A two story in-fill between the gymnasium and CTE wing provides modern facilities for classrooms and labs, media center, administration, food service, and mechanical/electrical systems. The second phase of the renovation focused on the CTE wing. The design team worked closely with district and middle school staff to design innovative learning spaces that correspond with a new CTE program.
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Timmons Group, ECS Mid-Atlantic, Foodservice Consultants Studio, Kenbridge Construction
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2021 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Interior Renovation
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