Pontiac Township High School/Pontiac Community Recreation Center

Pontiac, Illinois


Farnsworth Group, Inc.


City of Pontiac and Pontiac Township High School


48,900 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Pontiac Community Recreation Center was added to the existing high school pool building. It includes a gymnasium with three full-size basketball courts (each of which can be split into curtain-separated half courts); a second floor jogging/walking track; a racquetball court; a senior-citizens’ center with kitchen, an aerobics/dance room with a wood floor, community-use classrooms, reception area, lobby, offices, golf and a cardiovascular fitness room. Site improvements include a parking lot, fenced practice field, tennis courts and landscaping.
As part of an agreement between the city and school district, the gym and classrooms are used during the day by the high school. The senior-citizens center kitchen doubles as a concession stand to serve the high school football stadium. Restrooms can be locked from the inside and open to the outside to serve high school sporting events. Throughout the day and into the evening, the center is used by senior citizens and members for a range of recreational and community activities.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2001 Architectural Portfolio



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