Plymouth State University, Morgridge Strength & Performance Lab

Holderness, New Hampshire


SMRT Architects and Engineers


Plymouth State University


17,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team
Nicholas Vaughn; Timothy Mahoney; Emma Blair; Bradley Littlefield; Matthew McCammon; Bruce Anderson; Keith Berry

The Morgridge Strength & Performance Lab transforms the strength and conditioning experience for Plymouth State University students and athletes in a renovated 17,500-square-foot field house, the largest for NCAA Division III athletics.

Significantly enhancing university recruitment and retention, the renovation triples the capacity; it enables multiple teams to train simultaneously and plays a crucial role in the hands-on learning of clinical-academic programs. The facility is equipped with lifting and cardio equipment and a 45-yard strip of artificial turf dedicated to rehabilitation and speed training.

Design challenges included demolishing and replacing the asphalt floor with a high-quality concrete slab poured at various depths to accommodate rubber athletic flooring and drop pads. The design process required coordination with equipment vendors and the construction manager to ensure the appropriate floor layout for existing and future equipment.

The design incorporates new electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems that reduce the university’s carbon footprint and ensure improved air quality, energy efficiency, and thermal comfort. SMRT worked with Acentech to minimize vibration and acoustic disturbance for adjacent spaces in the building.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Engelberth Construction; Acentech; Rider Levett Bucknall



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2024 Architectural Portfolio


Sports Stadiums/Athletic Facilities

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

Product suppliers specified

Flooring by Regupol

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