Pleasant City Elementary School

West Palm Beach, Florida


Song & Associates


School District of Palm Beach County


69,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The two most important considerations for this urban school site were the partnership with the community and new urbanism for the city. The design demanded multiple street fronts to recognize community needs and incorporated the city’s architectural requirements. The construction of Pleasant City Elementary allowed area students, once bused to nine different schools, to walk to school for the first time in 37 years.
The compact design of the buildings maximizes space for play fields, open areas and miniature courtyards. The two primary buildings are separated to allow flexibility. The two-story classroom building houses kindergarten, primary and intermediate students, along with administrative rooms situated for maximum natural surveillance and security. The centrally located media center and the multipurpose/art/music/dining buildings are linked via covered walkways to form courtyards, art patios and open areas for student interaction and community functions. This flexibility in design serves many neighborhood needs including the Beacon Program, which runs after hours in the dining/multipurpose room, while access to the main classroom building is secured.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2003 Educational Interiors;2003 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Common Areas

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