Pine Crest Preparatory School, Pine Crest Middle School Campus (Boca Raton, Fla.)

Boca Raton, Florida


Martin, Moul and Wilkin, Inc.


Pine Crest Preparatory School, Inc.


40,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Designed in traditional British Colonial style, the new middle school facilities at Pine Crest blend into the present 17-acre campus setting.

Completed in February 2005, the two-story, 40,000-square-foot middle school campus includes 15 general classrooms, a television studio, faculty workrooms and conference areas, administration and guidance offices, dining areas and a school store. Local zoning regulations, coupled with aggressive program requirements, demanded imaginative and creative planning.

Covered loggias and second-floor balconies provide covered access between classrooms and other spaces within the middle school and interconnect this area with the main campus.

An outdoor dining patio adjacent to the main dining room at one end of the cloistered courtyard allows students or staff to dine “al fresco” or simply sit and enjoy the outdoors. The curved wall was designed to gradually open and unfold the central courtyard space, and provides a panoramic view of the landscape from the inside dining areas.

A new dining area addition expanded the original main dining room, which was redesigned to provide a separate kindergarten area and an open food-court style main dining room for lower and middle school students, as well as faculty and staff. A more formal dining/conference room, faculty meeting and workrooms, and additional classrooms were redesigned into the remaining areas of the renovated building.


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Cost per Sq Ft


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