Phantom Lake Elementary School

Bellevue, Washington


Northwest Architectural Company


Bellevue School District


73,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Phantom Lake Elementary’s motto is “Everybody’s School House.” The school integrates community functions into the K-5 program to create a rich learning environment for students of all ages.
The design began with an arching form to symbolize the “Learning Path”—this represents a segment of the lifelong path taken by everyone. The Learning Path takes form as the main hallway through the school and extends beyond the exterior walls. Learning opportunities are organized as branches and nodes along this path.
Phantom Lake integrates community programs such as Senior Net (senior-citizen computer training), early childcare, and Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs. The school also houses an inclusive preschool program for special-needs children. Special programs are situated along the arched path to connect them to the core of the school, creating a community built upon the learning path.
The administration area is at one end of the arched path, set near the street to emphasize the connection with the community. The main facade is a curved wall that is an exterior projection of the learning path. This curved facade provides a broad public face that is welcoming and approachable as “Everybody’s School House.”

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Architectural Portfolio

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