Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation, Security Layers in K-12 Schools

Mishawaka, Indiana


Fanning Howey


Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation


7,556 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Providing a safe and secure learning environment for students, staff and patrons is the highest priority for the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation. A safe learning environment provides the platform needed for every student’s success. The main entrance to Penn High School is designed to manage all visitors and volunteers on a daily basis. This Welcome Center is layer one of a three-layer security approach. These initiatives focus on perceiving, evaluating, deciding and acting upon potential threats.
Layer two of the security system focuses on locking down learning communities in a crisis or in the event of an armed intruder. The architect, Fanning / Howey Associates, Inc., along with Honeywell Buildings Solutions, has put into place a system that locks off the learning communities in case of a threat.
The school administration is provided with remote panic buttons that will close all seven learning community corridors and notify local police. This system is part of the Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator access control system.
Layer three of the system retrofitted classroom locks to ensure staff members have the ability to lock their classrooms from the inside.
All three security layers have been put into place at Penn High School and all other school locations within Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation. This unique focus on students and staff has established a culture of safety within the community.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Builders Enterprise, Honeywell Building Solutions

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2016 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

Product suppliers specified

Security Systems by Honeywell
Card Systems by Honeywell

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