Peak to Peak Charter School
Lafayette, Colorado
To address the unique needs of a school serving students in grades K through 12 and accommodate growth, this campus expansion called for additions to three existing campus buildings. The build-out included classroom additions to the high school building and the combined elementary-middle school building, along with the creation of a new gymnasium, a cafeteria addition and a 5,000-square-foot college counseling center. As part of the project, the library was also reconfigured to establish a new physical center for the campus and link the three disjointed buildings.
To maintain the character of the existing buildings, the design blends traditional elements with innovative contemporary concepts. Large windows, vibrant colors and high ceilings—emphasizing the aesthetic of the exposed structural system—create a welcoming and invigorating learning environment. The classroom additions embrace 21st-century educational philosophies and tools. Glass partitions enable the educational environment to adapt to the changing needs of the curriculum.
The project, which began in 2015, was completed on time and under budget.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2017 Architectural Portfolio
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