Pathfinder Kindergarten Center
Everett, Washington
What would a school look like if it were designed specifically for kindergartners? This was the central question Mukilteo School District and DLR Group sought to answer in designing the Pathfinder Kindergarten Center. To best support districtwide needs, the solution placed about 600 students in a kindergarten-only facility in lieu of classroom additions at multiple schools.
Designed from the scale of an early learner, Pathfinder’s creative spaces support a full-day kindergarten curriculum and reflect the learning-through-play nature of this unique age group.
Small communities, created through clustered classrooms and learning pods, minimize instructional time lost because of physical transitions between spaces. Teachers and specialists push into classrooms, and students remain in their respective pods for specialized instruction.
Large group activities, such as music and physical fitness, are distributed to each wing of the school, supported by specialized play equipment and indoor/outdoor access. In addition, an emphasis on the indoor environmental quality (temperature, air quality, daylighting, and acoustics) positively affects student and staff comfort.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Crow Island School Citation
Featured in
2019 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Pre-K/Early Childhood Education
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