Paris Elementary School & Civic Center

Paris, Tennessee


Fleming/Associates/Architects Planners


Paris Special School District and City of Paris, Tennessee


105,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The architect designed a combination 105,000-square-foot elementary school and community center for Paris, Tenn. The vibrant facility fulfills a range of education and civic requirements by using a development approach that is efficient and economical.
The exterior is a graceful combination of red brick and cut limestone, which reflects the character of an older school that has served the community for many years. Interior materials include brick, tile, marble, carpet and wood to create an environment that will withstand heavy use, while presenting a sophisticated image.
In addition to standard elementary education spaces for children in grades 3 to 5, the project features a 600-seat auditorium, indoor pool, fitness and weightrooms, indoor walking track, meeting rooms and a reception area. Separate entrances for the school and the civic portion of the structure meet security requirements.
It is estimated that the district and the city saved $750,000 to $1 million by combining two facilities into one distinctive structure.

Photographer: ©Pete Ceren Photography

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2000 Architectural Portfolio;2000 Educational Interiors

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