Pan Athletic Center
Andover, Massachusetts
Design team
Ed Hodges, Alex Adkins, Kenneth Hartfiel, Kathy LaDuca, Adam Westlund, Don Klema, Christian Roidt, Peter McCauley
The athletic center is sited between the main historic campus and a new field house at Phillips Academy Andover, an independent secondary school.
The entrance presents a welcoming face to the central campus with a two-story lobby from which the building’s various activities are at once visible through glass walls and bold graphics. The natatorium, dance performance space, Hall of Honor, and entrance lobby are expressed individually through distinct massing. Throughout the building spaces for social gatherings or quiet study create an inclusive environment, inviting students to spend time in the building beyond athletic pursuits.
The exterior material palette is an expression of the bridging role between the historic campus and the more modern athletic campus. The historic Flemish bond brick and slate shingles are used in contemporary ways to transition visually between the old and new.
The project uses a microturbine system to support the year-round heating load of the natatorium. By generating building electricity on site, waste heat is harnessed from the turbines to cover the building’s hot water load.
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Featured in
2023 Architectural Portfolio
Sports Stadiums/Athletic Facilities
Interior category
Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers
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