P.S. 58 Carroll School
Brooklyn, New York
The library at P.S. 58 Carroll School, a public elementary school in Brooklyn, N.Y., represents a collaboration among parents and school administrators who collectively participated in the project’s design and fund-raising activities.
Prior to starting the project, the ”library” was a dreary space that was being used as an ad hoc science classroom. The goal was to rediscover the library’s purpose as a rich curriculum resource within a public school. Rolling bookshelves allow for larger school gatherings, author visits and dance classes, and a vibrant palette of materials reflects the spirit and warmth of a learning environment.
An abstract solar system design in natural linoleum flooring and custom furniture create a playful juxtaposition of curved geometries. Bold stripes of the palette colors float behind sanded acrylic, an abstraction of book spines stacked side by side on a shelf.
Murals by parent artists show how exploration extends beyond the Earth, and includes the history, myths and fables of youth.
“The colors, furnishings and casework contribute to a fantastic learning environment!”–2009 jury
Additional Information
Cost per Sq Ft
Silver Citation
Featured in
2009 Educational Interiors
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers