P.K. Yonge Middle-High School

Gainesville, Florida


SchenkelShultz Architecture


University of Florida


75,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team
Moses & Associates (MEP Engineer); Walter P. Moore (Structural Engineer); CHW Professional Consultants (Civil Engineer); Ramski & Company (Interior Designer); David Conner & Associates (Landscape Architect)

The school’s academic mission since 1934 has been “to design, test and disseminate innovations in K-12 education through serving a diverse student community.” To strengthen this goal, SchenkelShultz designed a new three-story academic building for middle and high school students that fosters the laboratory pedagogical philosophy established nearly a century ago.

The design parallels the mission to embrace the power of creative agency, entrepreneurship and talent. The learning environment has flexible, distinct communities to support different modes of teaching and collaboration. Each neighborhood is unique to facilitate freedom of choice. The variety of spaces enables project-based learning, and group or individual study. The learning neighborhoods focus on STEM education with labs that have a direct connection to the commons and promote visibility and activity.

The building’s location presents an opportunity along Tumblin Creek, a protected wetland that meanders from east to west. The unobstructed views through the atrium at each floor enable the lush surroundings to extend into the building and provide warmth, showcase a unique sense of place, and foster a modern backdrop for exchange.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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