Oswego East High School

Oswego, Illinois


Kluber Architects + Engineers


Oswego Community Unit School District 308


430,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Situated in what the U.S. Census Bureau has identified as the second-fastest-growing county in the United States, this high school was designed to meet the educational and cultural demands of a rapidly expanding student population and its surrounding community. It accomplishes these goals through a flexible, sustainable design that melds energy-efficient systems with spaces that maximize curriculum integration and community use.
A 20,000-square-foot, three-story central commons serves as the school’s social nexus and as an elegant community event room. Adjoining the commons are a 1,000-seat theater and performing-arts wing; a sports complex that houses two gyms; a 220-meter track; a competition pool; dance room; exercise rooms; a community meeting room with adjacent commercial kitchen; and two three-story classroom wings.
Energy savings are realized through a low-temperature air-handling system that uses fabric ducts and heat-pipe technology, extensive daylight harvesting and an automated system that controls lighting.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2005 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

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