Oglethorpe University, Robinson Hall Renovation

Atlanta, Georgia


Chapman Griffin Lanier Sussenbach Architects, Inc.


Oglethorpe University


11,690 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Oglethorpe University, a private, four-year, liberal-arts college in northeast Atlanta, is known for its Gothic architecture. In renovating Robinson Hall, an existing 1940s-era building, the school upgraded all interior spaces and completed the building’s exterior appearance. By replacing the existing mansard roof with a Gothic-style pitched roof that elevated the roof plane above eye level and visually concealed unsightly rooftop equipment, the granite building addition now more closely mirrors other Gothic-inspired facilities on campus.
Also, the interior was renovated to address technology requirements, and provide more modern classrooms and administrative spaces. The two-story existing facility was constructed of load-bearing granite walls and wood timber roof framing. The existing structure was essentially gutted to the perimeter load-bearing granite walls. The new roof was constructed of light-gauge metal trusses and includes slate roofing. Where possible, the interior granite walls were left exposed and incorporated as an architectural character accent. The building’s original mechanical systems also were replaced.

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2002 Architectural Portfolio



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