Odyssey Middle School

Boynton Beach, Florida


Song & Associates


School District of Palm Beach County, Florida


185,492 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Odyssey Middle School is the outcome of charettes and critiques, resulting in a flexible modular program that can be used as a prototype.
The “house breakdown” design allows for multiple locations of various programs. Separate building modules can be used to provide a variety of solutions that meet the needs of a number of challenging programs, as well as expansion. With guidance offices and science and computer labs throughout the facility, each grade can be self-contained, which allows more flexibility.
Odyssey emphasizes open space and multipurpose areas, both of which facilitate gathering and meeting places for dialogues and exchange of information. The classroom modules branch off from the dining/multipurpose and gymnasium buildings to create a focal point for the campus. The easily accessible exterior courtyard, as well as the pie-shaped corridor, encourages the exchange of ideas and development of relationships. The compact modular design provides only two major accesses to the facility. Curved walls allow for barrier-free sightlines maximizing the view through corridors.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors;2002 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Common Areas

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