Nova Southeastern University, Health Professions Division Library

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


ACAI Associates, Inc.


Nova Southeastern University


21,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


ACAI Associates, Inc. has completed a space-capture initiative at Nova Southeastern University’s Health Professions Division Library. The project retrofitted ACAI’s original 1993 design to address students’ changing needs.
Teaching methods and study practices have evolved as technology has advanced. The design transformed the area into a facility that provides students with a forum for collaboration with individual quiet spaces and specialized spaces focused on video production, 3D printing, and virtual technology.
Working closely with the library staff, ACAI completed a makeover by leveraging emerging technologies, removing book stacks and enhancing space volume by introducing glass.
All spaces are wireless allowing students mobility while staying connected.
The project increased seating by 81 percent and study rooms by 42 percent. It also streamlined circulation without enlarging the footprint.
ACAI provided architectural services throughout the renovation and was instrumental in the FF&E selection.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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