Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Clearwater, Florida


Baker Barrios Architects


Nova Southeastern Univeristy


325,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Programmed, designed, permitted and constructed in two years, the Dr. Kiran C. Patel School of Osteopathic Medicine at Nova Southeastern University was designed to support an active learning philosophy. The two building wings —the College of Allied Health and the College of Osteopathic Medicine—are married by a floating learning staircase in the middle, developing the hub concept that the university envisioned. The resulting synergy provides adaptable opportunities for students and faculty to stimulate interaction in a flexible setting.

The program required highly equipped labs and technology-driven classrooms as well as lecture halls with formal and informal collaboration. The project includes study spaces, a multipurpose area sized for White Coat ceremony, food service and an exercise facility.

This project embraces Osteopathic medicine core ideals of mind and body with biophilic design. Biophilic principles include the visual connection with nature and biomorphic forms and patterns evoking natural elements. Three key factors were considered and used throughout the project: prospect, refuge, and mystery.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Moss Construction, RGD, Vision Builders, McNamara Salvia, Osborn Engineering

Cost per Sq Ft



Bronze Citation

Featured in

2020 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Healthcare Facilities/Teaching Hospitals

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