North Salisbury Elementary School

Salisbury, Maryland


Becker Morgan Group, Inc.


Wicomico County Public Schools


73,287 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The North Salisbury Elementary School renovations and additions replaced the majority of 11 disparate existing facilities with a new facility under one roof. With a student capacity of 570, it serves grades
3 to 5 as both a magnet school and a neighborhood home school. The tight urban site presented numerous challenges. The design reconfigures the site to separate bus and vehicular traffic while maintaining its prominence on a corner site. Elements of the beloved 1937 structure were incorporated into the new building through both direct salvage and design elements inspired by the original school.
The design incorporates grade-level classroom clusters with a centrally situated media center. The two-story wing includes administrative functions on the first floor and classrooms on the second floor. Vertical circulation is celebrated with a curved main stair highlighted with glass-block forms.
A unique mentoring program, in partnership with the local university, is housed within special classroom/conference areas in the main building.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2007 Architectural Portfolio



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