Newton Middle School Campus

Littleton, Colorado




Littleton Public Schools


163,695 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Newton Middle School’s design incorporates CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles throughout the campus, maximizing occupant safety while promoting best practices in 21st-century learning. The main entry vestibule is primarily glass, inviting bright light and a welcome feel for families while enhancing administrator lines of sight over the property. The glazing and frame consist of ballistic-rated material that provides a layer of protection for students and staff. The school’s main hallway is curved—a whimsical design feature that interrupts a potential intruder’s line of sight to the other end of the school. A joint cafeteria-auditorium, or “cafetorium,” lies at the center of the school. Complete with large learning stairs that act as a gathering area for students and double as bleachers for the auditorium, this space is beaming with natural light, making it an inviting place for students to congregate. Each grade level pod was designed with centralized flexible learning spaces. Individual classrooms are equipped with large garage-style doors that can be opened so that learning may extend beyond the classroom.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

RTA Architects; GH Phipps

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2022 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

Product suppliers specified

Carpet by Milliken
Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Physical-Education Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Brick/Masonry by Reliance Foundry
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Doors by Stanley
Door Hardware by Stanley
Insulation by ROXUL
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Skylights by Powers
Lighting & Accessories by Encore Lighting
Emergency Lighting by Encore Lighting
Hand-Drying Equipment by Dyson
Athletic Equipment by Nevco Scoreboard
Scoreboards/Clocks by Nevco Scoreboard
Signage by Daktronics
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