Newton Middle School

Littleton, Colorado




Littleton Public Schools


163,695 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team
RTA Architects (Architect); GH Phipps (Contractor)

The new Newton Middle School design incorporates Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles throughout the school, maximizing occupant safety while promoting best practices in 21st-century learning for students.

The main entry vestibule is primarily glass, inviting bright natural light and a welcoming feel for families while it enhances administrator lines of sight over the property. The glazing and frame is ballistic-rated material, providing a layer of protection for the building occupants.

The school’s main hallway is curved—a whimsical design feature that interrupts a potential active harmer’s line of sight to the other end of the school.

Student learning environments are compartmentalized into pods with controlled entry points, facilitating layered barriers and controlled movements during a potential emergency.

Designated areas to shelter in place have been unobtrusively incorporated throughout the school. The classroom flooring, for example, indicates the “safe zone” for shelter in place by using a different-colored carpet. Adjacent wing walls create a nook for coat and backpack storage and block the line of sight from outside the overhead door into the classroom.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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