New Haven Middle and Elementary School

New Haven, Kentucky


Nolan & Nolan, Inc.


Nelson County Board of Education


44,244 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Originally constructed in the 1950s with several subsequent additions, New Haven Middle and Elementary School serves levels preschool through eighth grade. Because of the age of the building and the lack of consistency in later additions, the school needed uniformity in the interior design, as well as upgrades in aging mechanical and electrical systems. During this renovation, the restrooms were updated and made ADA-compliant. At the time of renovation, the school’s new mascot, the Mustang, was incorporated into the design in floor and wall graphics.
Limited space in the entry/lobby area and a lean construction budget presented design challenges that required creative solutions. Several solutions were explored with a bright, colorful mascot-themed design being the ultimate choice. Replacement windows and the addition of an entry facade updated the exterior, while laser-cut vinyl composition tile and colorful geometric graphics brightened the interior. At each location the Mustang graphic was used, laser-cut “horseshoes” marked the ceiling tile, imitating a running pattern. The result was a bright, fun environment for learning.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Interior Renovation

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