New Hampshire Institute of Art, 88 Lowell Street, Addition and Renovations
Manchester, New Hampshire
This project saved Manchester’s historic first high school building by moving it forward on the site over a new basement, restoring it, and constructing a new connector and six-story addition.
The completed mixed-use project provides 12 classrooms and studios, faculty offices and support spaces on the first two floors and basement, and 54 residence hall beds and common space on the upper four floors.
The solution employs many sustainable strategies, including reusing the embodied energy of the historic building; providing a high-performance envelope; using daylighting, shading and glazing; employing a geothermal heating and cooling energy source; providing a vegetated roof to minimize stormwater runoff; using rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing; employing a photovoltaic array on the roof and sunshades to provide a portion of the electrical needs; and using no-VOC materials and locally produced materials.
This effort is expected to result in a LEED gold certification.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2010 Educational Interiors
Interior category
Residence Halls/Lounges
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