New Chelsea Elementary School

Kansas City, Kansas


ACI Boland Architects


Kansas City USD No. 500


56,413 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Having been recently released from a court-ordered desegregation plan, the Kansas City, Kan. District wanted to establish a standard for urban schools that would make the school a focal point for neighborhood identity and pride.
The design team responded by working with staff and community to create New Chelsea Elementary School, which is on the site of the original 1887 Chelsea School. To continue the tradition, the design team was able to use the cast-stone rosettes and arches from the original building in the new building. The modern, climate-controlled school serves 550 students in grades K to 5 with 33 classrooms, a distance-learning center, art room, music rooms, computer lab and special-education classrooms. The floor plan makes the media center the hub of the academic area.
The facility has become the flagship of the neighborhood, the community and the school district.

Photographer: ©Michael Spillers

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Cost per Sq Ft


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