New 4/5 Elementary Building

Coldwater, Michigan




Coldwater Community Schools


72,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The original elementary building no longer met the needs of the Coldwater school district and was set far outside the main part of the city. A new two-story building for grades 4 and 5 was completed in the center of town, near the middle school. The two grades are assigned to their own floors to create a natural separation. The main level of the building is zoned into classroom wings that can be separated for security purposes from the public spaces of the lobby, gymnasium, and cafeteria.

Classrooms are a standard design to provide consistency and flexibility for staff and students. Multipurpose instructional spaces, small group rooms, and adequate office spaces for itinerant staff were included to provide a variety of instruction options. All spaces are equipped with modern and flexible furniture that provides a high level of student comfort and the adaptability needed by staff to deliver education in a number of ways. Throughout the building, elements such as murals and signage are strategically placed to help reinforce school branding and celebrate “Cardinal Pride.”

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2022 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

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