Murrieta Mesa High School

Murrieta, California


NTDSTICHLER Architecture


Murrieta Mesa High School


256,813 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The architecture of Murrieta Mesa High School displays an understanding of how theater, administration and gymnasium spaces, as public/civic elements of the campus, support the more private cloistered spaces of the classrooms. The public/civic elements are arranged to front the public street, and the classrooms are arranged around a student commons and amphitheater that becomes the private heart of the campus. Access into the heart of the campus and connections to the larger community are found through courtyards and view corridors.
Key design elements: 
•Making connections.
•Campus identity.
•Learning centers.
•Teacher-planning areas. 
 The classroom spaces are organized departmentally to facilitate sharing among teachers within disciplines. Learning director and coordinator teams are grouped in learning centers open to the student commons to foster direct involvement and help students identify with their grade-level house, giving them a secure sense of place in the larger community.
Murrieta Mesa High School exceeds California energy requirements by 27 percent through the use of recycled content, construction waste management and superior acoustics.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2007 Architectural Portfolio


Work in Progress

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