Morton College, Library Renovations

Cicero, Illinois


Legat Architects


Morton College


19,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


In order to respond to changing teaching and learning methodologies, as well as recent advancements in library technologies, the library at Morton College was renovated and reorganized. In addition to upgraded programmatic functions, the renovated space includes a new cyber cafe, group-study rooms, expanded technology-access areas, wireless Internet capabilities, an art gallery, a bibliographic instruction classroom, and an academic resource room for faculty and staff.
The organization of the facility puts the public spaces adjacent to the all-glass entry, and the more private spaces are on the upper level.
The circulation desk, with a large canted feature wall behind it, was moved to the center of the library, highlighting a north/south axis that runs through the space. This axis is expressed in the ceiling and floor patterns, and terminates at help desk “nodes.” Many of the design decisions were driven by the desire to create clear sightlines, a logical wayfinding system and a renewed sense of energy throughout the space.
The new design has transformed the library at Morton College into a true destination point for students, faculty, staff and the community.

“Great transformation, very mod!”–2005 jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Bronze Citation

Featured in

2005 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Interior Renovation

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