Missouri Southern State University, Lion Cub Academy

Joplin, Missouri


Paragon Architecture


Missouri Southern State University


10,736 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


In spring 2017, the Missouri Southern State University Child Development Center moved into renovated space inside the Joplin Regional Center and aptly named the new center the Lion Cub Academy. Additional square footage nearly doubles the 1966 facility’s previous capacity and provides the Lion Cub Academy with a variety of needed upgrades.
The new location includes seven classrooms that were designed with children in mind. The color-themed (by age group) classrooms include a dry-erase and magnetic feature wall, warm and homey interior finishes, and colorful cork ceilings that not only provide acoustical properties but also serve as a backdrop for displaying hanging art.
The facility also has two ADA-compliant playgrounds designed for outdoor learning and discovery, an indoor playroom and an efficient kitchen with commercial appliances. A sensory room was included in the floor plan to provide a space for children to feel safe and comfortable. Sensory walls also are designed into the corridors and the exterior entry to provide the children with places to experience different textures.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Pre-K/Early Childhood Education

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