Mecklenburg County Middle-High School Complex

Boydton, Virginia


Ballou Justice Upton Architects


Mecklenburg County Public Schools


354,568 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team
Billy E. Upton, AIA (Principal in Charge); Eddie Evans, AIA (Project Manager); Dian Paulin, M.Ed., NCIDQ, ALEP (Planner/Interior Designer); Jack Moye, Ed.D. (Educational Specialist); Regina Yitbarek, Ed.D. (Educational Specialist); Glave & Holmes (Associated Architect); PACE Collaborative (MEP); Alpha Corporation (Structural); B&B Consultants (Civil); Hurt & Proffitt (Civil); Convergent Technologies Design Group (Technology Consultants); Culinary Advisors (Foodservice Consultants)

This inspiring project is the culmination of years of planning based upon the necessity to prepare students for future careers. Mecklenburg County Schools teamed with Ballou Justice Upton Architects to plan and design a new consolidated middle school-high school complex. Replacing four outdated schools, this complex will provide customized facilities that will meet student needs for future opportunities.

The system’s vision has been respected throughout the project, focusing on four key elements that establish a comprehensive educational foundation for each student: career literacy, strengthened academics, development of career and technical skills, and community engagement. Aligning with these elements, the overall educational experience will be a process that starts with career introduction in early years, and moves to career exploration and career engagement in later years.

The high school will have six academies, with 16 career clusters. The academies will be Health/Human Services, Environmental Sciences, STEM, Law & Leadership, Advanced Technology, and International Business/Culture. The design is the result of a complex, careful collaboration among all stakeholders which included many school and community groups.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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