Mecklenburg County Middle-High School

Boydton, Virginia


Ballou Justice Upton Architects


Mecklenburg County Public Schools


354,568 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team
Billy E. Upton, AIA, REFP; Eddie Evans, AIA; Dian Paulin, NCIDQ, ALEP; Jack Moye, Ed.D.; Glave & Holmes; PACE Collaborative (MEP Engineering); Alpha Corporation (Structural Engineering); B&B Consultants (Civil Engineering); Hurt & Profitt (Civil Engineering); Convergent Technologies Design Group (Technology); Culivary Advisory (Food Service)

This dramatic new school complex is the pinnacle of years of planning based upon the necessity of preparing students for future careers. Ballou Justice Upton Architects collaborated with Mecklenburg County Public Schools and all its stakeholders to design the consolidated school complex in Boydton, Va. This facility replaces four outdated schools and provides customized learning spaces that meet student needs for the future. Additionally, the complex is outfitted with a sophisticated security system that will aid in protecting students, staff, and visitors.

With the honor of being designated as one of the first Virginia lab schools, Mecklenburg’s vision is being celebrated as a model of innovation. This vision includes four key elements establishing a comprehensive educational foundation for each learner: career literacy, strengthened academics, development of career & technical skills, and community engagement. Within the schools, six career academies have been established, with 16 career clusters including health & human services, environmental sciences, STEM, law & leadership, advanced technology, and international business & culture.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Glave & Holmes



Cost per Sq Ft


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