Maumee High School, Performing Arts Center

Maumee, Ohio


Buehrer Group Architecture & Engineering


Maumee City Schools


32,414 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Maumee Performing Arts Center is the jewel of Maumee City Schools. Recently opened, this theater is a part of the high school and provides a new home for the arts. This venue accommodates 792 patrons per performance and provides those necessary amenities synonymous with a good performance space. Ancillary support spaces such as locker, dressing and makeup rooms, rehearsal studios and scene shops are included. A full orchestra pit supports the action on the stage, which features a full fly loft and grid, and is deep enough to accommodate a variety of performances.
In order to meet the acoustical needs of a multiple number of performance styles, the house has the ability to be “tuned,” allowing for optimum sound quality.
The main entry concourse welcomes parents, students, teachers and the public to the performance experience. Community groups and organizations are encouraged to take advantage of this asset and schedule the space for special events, enhancing the quality of life within the community.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2007 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Auditoriums/Music Rooms

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