Mary Helen Berlanga Elementary School

Corpus Christi, Texas


Gignac & Associates, LLP


Corpus Christi Independent School District


78,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The new Mary Helen Berlanga Elementary School was conceived by the Corpus Christi Independent School District as a long-awaited replacement and upgrade to an aging community elementary school.

This building is the most innovative educational building in the district’s history. Based on a prototype design that had been built successfully in another area, Mary Helen Berlanga Elementary School was tailored to the site and context, and loaded with sustainable design features to educate students and the surrounding community about sustainability. Some of these features include energy-efficient mechanical and electrical systems and fixtures, low-flow plumbing fixtures, reflective paving materials, a cool roof system, solar hot-water heating system, and a wind-turbine to produce renewable energy on-site.

The building also is designed to be shared by the community and is equipped with security features that provide access to the school’s cafetorium, library, restrooms, outdoor pavilion and play fields.

The facility is considered a unique tribute to long-time Texas State Board of Education member Mary Helen Berlanga, for whom it was named.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2012 Architectural Portfolio

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