Marengo Community High School (Work in Progress)

Marengo, Illinois


Bradley & Bradley


Marengo C.H.S. District #154


209,100 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The design for the new Marengo Community High School is the result of a team effort. The team, which met at each design phase, consisted of the architect, construction manager, and representatives from the school board, staff, administration and community. Through many changes and challenges, this approach draws upon all parties’ experiences.

Situated in the heart of Marengo, the new high school will be an integral part of this Midwestern community’s identity. Some programmatic elements include 52 technology-enhanced classrooms, a 2,000-seat performance gymnasium, support athletic spaces, an auditorium, a music wing, and administrative and student services. These functions create an innovative and cohesive architectural composition by organizing and connecting with generous and flexible public spaces.

Distinctive building forms and masonry detailing, reminiscent of the original school, break down the scale and direct students to the entrances


Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2003 Architectural Portfolio


Work in Progress

AS&U Design Competitions

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